MAISY RECS Hourly Loads & Emissions Databases


MAISY RECS Adds Hourly Loads and Emissions Data to Each of the 18,000+ US Households in the RECS Survey

MAISY RECS 8,760 Hourly Loads
                                     and Emissions Databases for 18,000+ Households
The Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) Residential Energy Consumption Databases (RECS, final release, June 2023) provide 2020 individual customer household, structure, appliance, and annual energy use survey data for more than 18,400 individual residential households. Unlike previous versions, the current survey provides state-level identification for each household, extending analysis applications to individual states.

These data extensions provide a more robust national and state data sets of residential energy use data to support utility, state, manufacturers, and other energy-related organization analysis and planning that rely on hourly load profiles.

MAISY RECS extensions add the following data items to each of the 18,400+ individual RECS household records:
  • 8,760 whole building hourly loads
  • 8,760 end-use hourly loads, and
  • fuel-specific and total household emissions
MAISY RECS Residential Hourly Loads have been developed using a proprietary MAISY machine learning process that matches RECS household characteristics to household characteristics in MAISY Metered Hourly Loads Databases consisting of 230,000 end-use daily load profiles for a dozen non-weather-sensitive end uses. EPLUS engineering heat load analysis is used to calculate heating, air conditioning and ventilation hourly loads based on typical meteorological year data calibrated to actual household energy use. Weather data for more than 900 US weather stations are used in the hourly load development process.

Each MAISY RECS Residential Hourly Load Database includes 94 of the original RECS variables, 5 new emissions variables, and 8760 new hourly loads for either (1) whole buildings or (2) whole building plus 7 end use categories (space heat, AC, water heating, refrigerator/freezers, appliances (clothes dryer + oven+ dishwasher + clothes washer + microwave), lighting-TV, and other end uses.

These new databases improve basic RECS user experience by selecting 94 of the most relevant items from among the 778 data items in the database and by transforming coding numbers into meaningful responses, e.g. fuel type =5 is presented as elec (electricity) in the spreadsheet. ( sample database records) MAISY RECS databases include RECS respondent ID so users can integrate any other data item in the original RECS into the MAISY RECS databases.

MAISY RECS Applications Notes and Papers

Apply Extended RECS Hourly Loads Databases to Develop Excel Agent-Based Energy and Hourly Load Forecasting Models

State-Level Whole Building Hourly Load Variations and Drilling Down to Household End-Use Detail

More information on MAISY RECS Hourly Load Databases

  1. What is the Department of Energy 2020 Residential Energy Consumption (RECS) Database?

  2. How are MAISY RECS Databases different than Department of Energy RECS databases?

  3. What Applications are Supported with the New MAISY RECS Hourly Loads and Emissions Databases?

  4. What variables are included in each state MAISY RECS Database household record?

  5. Why is metered data critical for representing non-weather-sensitive (NWS) hourly loads?

  6. If metered data is critical for NWS loads, why do you use EPlus engineering analysis to calculate space heating and air conditioning loads?

  7. How is nearest neighbor machine-learning used to develop MAISY RECS Residential Hourly Load Databases?

  8. Can I use MAISY RECS data for substate geographic analysis?

  9. Can I use MAISY RECS data for residential household segment analysis?

  10. Does the MAISY RECS Extended Database include corrections/adjustments to the original RECS data?

  11. How are MAISY RECS Extended Database GHG emissions computed?

  12. How do MAISY RECS hourly loads differ from engineering-based loads provided by DOE/NREL?

  13. How are MAISY RECS databases different from the 7 million+ record MAISY Residential Energy Customer Databases?

  14. How do I order MAISY RECS Databases?

  15. How do I order Excel Agent-Based Energy and Hourly Load Forecasting Models Based on RECS Hourly Loads Databases?

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