Jackson Associates

Jackson Associates: Publisher of the MAISY Energy Use and Hourly Loads Databases

Jackson Associates (JA) provides energy and hourly load databases, energy analysis, forecasts, and forecasting models.

Founded by Jerry Jackson, a Ph.D. energy economist, Jackson Associates provides leading edge data, applications, and analysis to meet the most challenging issues facing the energy industry today and into the future.

JA flagship products are the MAISY Energy Use and Hourly Loads Databases , an industry standard source of energy use and hourly load data for US residential and commercial electric utility customers. MAISY Databases, originally published in 1995, have grown in scope to encompass more than 7 million US electric utility residential and commercial customers.

In addition to providing databases for client in-house analysis JA provides products and services that integrate MAISY Database information with client-specific MAISY applications analysis including:
  • Forecasting smart grid technology market size and potential for technology companies
  • Forecasting smart grid technology potential load impacts and cost/benefit analysis for electric utilities
  • Forecasting and analysis of demand response technologies and programs
  • Energy and peak demand forecasts for utilities
  • Scope 3 mortgage and commercial real estate loan customer emissions
  • Forecasting market potential for new technologies including solar PV, EV’s, CHP, battery storage, fuel cells, wind energy
  • Estimating customer hourly load profiles to support solar/battery storage and other new technology product development
Jackson Associates also provides client consulting to support MAISY database, forecasting and analysis applications

The MAISY Database options and applications summary page provides a convenient overview of MAISY Database details and applications.

The MAISY Publications page provides notes and white papers on example MAISY Database applications and analysis.