MAISY Residential Household and Commercial Establishment Databases

Comprehensive MAISY Residential Household Databases

  • Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) appended with data from dozens of building, energy, transportation, utility and other supporting databases using AI KNN, regression, and Maximum Likelihood technologies
  • 7+ million household records across the US
  • Data for any ZIP or combinations of ZIPs (place, county, metro area, state)
  • Socio-economic data including education, household income, number of adults and children, and more
  • Building data including floor space, heating fuel, appliance holdings
  • Energy use and cost; hourly and 15 minute loads (whole building and end use - e.g., space heat, water heat, lighting, etc.)
  • Electric utility, place, county, metro area and ZIP names
  • EV ownership probabilies and charging loads
  • CO2e emissions data for each household by fuel and total
  • Travel data for each household member including commuting time, miles and time-of-day
  • Software to provide cross-tab analysis for households within individual ZIP codes (optional)
        Click Here for more detail on ACS-MAISY Database content, variables, and applications.

RECS (DOE/EIA Residential Energy Consumption Survey) Hourly Electric Loads and Emissions (Extensions of the RECS Database to Incude Hourly Loads amd Emissions for Each Household)

  • Annual Energy Use for 18,400+ Residential Households in the EIA RECS database
  • Electricity, natural gas and fuel oil use
  • End-use energy (space heat, air conditioning, etc.)
  • Extensive residential building, equipment, occupant, and operational data
  • Data for any state
  • 8,760 Whole building and (optional) end-use hourly electric loads (kW)
  • CO2e emissions by fuel and total
  • 92 of the most used original RECS variables with mneumoic replacement for codes(kW)
  • Links to the remainig 778 Recs survey variables
        Click Here for more detail on MAISY RECS Databases

EV Charging Hourly Loads Databases

  • 7+ million residential households
  • Nearest neighbor machine-learning estimation of individual household EV ownership using data from nearly 1 million national transportation household survey trips data and a statistical ownership model
  • Potential EV hourly or 15-minute loads for individual utility customers
  • EV ownership probabilites for each gasoline powered vehicle owner along with potential EV charging load profiles for individual utility customers
        Click Here for more detail on MAISY EV customer data.

MAISY Commercial Utility Customer Energy Use and Hourly Load Databases

  • Annual Energy Use for 600,000+ Commercial US Utility Customer Records
  • Electricity, natural gas and fuel oil use
  • End-use energy (space heat, air conditioning, etc.)
  • Extensive commercial building, equipment, occupant, and operational data
  • Data for any geographic area (ZIP, Metro, Utility, State, Region, US)
  • 8,760 Whole building and end-use hourly electric loads (kW)
  • Optional 15-minute whole building and end-use hourly electric loads (kW)
        Click Here for more detail on MAISY Database content, variables, and applications.

MAISY Hourly Electric Loads Applications Summary

The table below summarizes many MAISY applications. Click Here for additional MAISY Energy Use Database applications detail.

Application Areas Applications Clients Database Scope JA Deliverables
Electric vehicles Mkt sizing, mkt potential 3 EV companies Residential States Databases & analysis
PV solar Product sizing, mkt potential, profit analysis 3 manufacturer-retailers Residential States Databases & analysis
Battery storage Product sizing, mkt potential, profit analysis 1 manufacturer, 1 PV solar company Residential & Commercial States Databases & analysis
Microgrids Product evaluation, mkt potential 1 electric/gas utility Residential States Databases
Ground source ht pumps Mkt potential, profit analysis 1 electric/gas utility Residential Florida Analysis
Smart grid tech (2-way thermostats, etc) Business case analysis for individual technologies 20 Electric Utilities Residential & commercial Utilities/states Analysis & Software
Electricity forecasts (AB models through 2060) Utility electricity forecasts/ energy efficiency regulations impacts 26+ electric utilities, utility organizations Residential & commercial Utilities/states Forecasting software
Retail electricity suppliers Mkt potential, profit analysis 13 retail electricity suppliers Residential & commercial States/ national Databases
Govt energy forecasts, technology, program analysis Tech analysis, energy forecasts and regulation impact analysis 2 national labs, DOE, 9 state agencies Residential & commercial National Databases & analysis
Energy efficiency firms Mkt potential, profit analysis 5 firms Residential & commercial States/national Databases analysis
Small CHP (cogeneration) Product sizing, mkt potential, profit analysis 2 manufacturers Residential & commercial National Analysis
Commercial CHP (cogeneration) Product sizing, mkt potential, profit analysis 2 manufacturers Commercial National Databases & Analysis
Fuel cells Product sizing, mkt potential, profit analysis 3 manufacturers Residential & Commercial National Databases & Analysis
Cool storage Product sizing, mkt potential, profit analysis 1 manufacturer Commercial National Databases
Site-based wind Mkt potential, profit analysis 1 manufacturer Commercial Texas Databases
Cost-of-service analysis 8760 hourly loads by customer class 3 electric utilities Residential & commercial Utilities/states Databases & analysis


MAISY Commercial and residential hourly load profile databases have been developed from dozens of data sources including utility, association, government and Jackson Associates proprietary utility customer surveys and detailed appliance engineering analysis. Databases reflect a statistically valid sample of residential and commercial utility customers throughout the US. Databases are available for ZIPs, metropolitan areas, utility service areas, state and regions and other geographic areas.

The 7 million+ customer MAISY databases are large enough to provide drill-down capabilities to individual ZIP code/Metro/State geographic areas and to further refine analysis results for customer detailed segments without sacrificing accuracy. This level of specificity is unmatched by any other data source. Click Here to see a comparison of MAISY and US Department of Energy customer data sources.

MAISY hourly load data for geographic regions differ from engineering model-based data sources in that they reflect energy use characteristics of actual commercial buildings and residential dwelling units in those areas. instead of using assumptions on electric appliance holdings, household members, income levels, etc. The fixed assumption inputs in engineering models (like those in the DOE/NREL Loads data) can result in errors of well over 100% when assessing individual customers, market segments and the entire market associated with a geographic location. Click Here to see issues related to relying on Department of Energy/NREL/OpenEI sources model-generated energy use and hourly load estimates.

Hourly and 15-minute kW load detail is based on metered electricity use data.

Databases are provided in CSV or Excel file formats for easy access and analysis supporting deep drill-down operations to develop energy use information for detailed customer segments.

Custom projects can provide Jackson Associates clients with data summaries and analysis results based MAISY Database analysis.

Features That Make MAISY Utility Customer Energy Use Databases Unique

  • The most comprehensive, up-to-date individual utility customer energy use and customer characteristics for any geographic area in the US

  • The largest ( 7+ million) database of actual individual utility customer records with building, equipment, operating, occupant, end-use and 8760 hourly energy data

  • Electricity use for hourly and 15-minute kW load intervals

  • CSV and Excel workbook format for easy access and analysis

  • Vetted/applied by over 150 organizations for federal and state appliance and efficiency standards, utility cost-of-service, energy efficiency and demand response program analysis, technology and energy-related market analysis, product development and assessment, cost-of-service studies, energy efficiency, smart grid analysis, new technology analysis (PV, CHP, battery, fuel cells, thermal storage, wind, flywheels and more), REP and ESCO target marketing, testimony in various state and utility submittals, and more.
Hourly-15min loads Click Here to see advantages of MAISY data compared to Department of Energy sources.