MAISY Residential Socio-Economic, Building, Commuting, Energy Use and Hourly Loads ZIP-Detailed Databases

Database Items In Each of 7+ Million Actual Household Records:

  • Demographics, income, dwelling unit, energy cost, commuting data
  • Detailed dwelling unit data, e.g., square feet, space heating equipment, appliances, etc.
  • Location data: ZIP code, county, place, metro area, 30-year degree days
  • Emissions data: Total, electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, propane
  • Annual Energy Use by fuel type (electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, propane)
  • Annual Energy Use by end-use and fuel type (space heat, water heat, etc.)
  • 8760 and 15-minute kW loads (whole building and end-use, including EVs, monthly averages)
  • MAISY Database software can provide extended drill-down and crosstab capabilities for individual ZIP codes

MAISY Database Development Detail

MAISY Databases use actual individual household socio-economic data provided by US Census American Community Survey including dwelling unit size, income, demographics, space heating fuel, energy costs, commuting, etc. as a platform to extend each household's information to include a variety of other important data items. These merged data items include information for individual households in dozens of supporting databases including appliance holdings, appliance energy use, metered hourly loads, travel data, building, geodata, and emissions. The data merging process is an AI non-parametric k-nearest neighbor (KNN) machine-learning analysis with regression and Maximum Likelihood Estiamtion refinements providing superior accuracy and reliability for the combined household database. More than 7 million individual household records are provided in the MAISY Databases.

MAISY Database AI Methodology

Database records from supporting databases are identified as belonging to each household's "neighborhood" with a weighted distance metric that reflects several dozens of the household’s characteristics. Variables common to both the household and each household in the supporting databases are used to calculate the "distance" between the ACS and each household in the supporting databases. MAISY Databases Use AI to integrate dozens of household databases

The KNN algorthim is referred to as a machine-learning system because weights on each variable in the distance measure can be determined with repeated evaluations of sample data to identify the most accurate distance measure with respect to the particular merged variable.

Data from the supporting database households with the smallest distance measure is merged with the ACS household record. Any difference between the ACS household and the closest neighbor variable values is adjusted with variable-specific statistical regression-based and Maximum Likelihood Estimation data refinements.

This AI approach extends ACS individual household records to include dwelling unit physical characteristics, appliance holdings and energy use and costs, GHG emissions, ZIP code location, commuting miles, and end-use/whole building hourly electric kW loads.

The non-parametric (read flexible) AI KNN estimation process with statistical refinement is far superior to traditional engineering and other fixed parameter energy use estimating models like those used to develop DOE and NREL energy use and hourly load estimates. The AI KNN application applies actual data derived from similar "neighborhood" households whereas the DOE/NREL approach relies on engineering models that reflect fixed relationships applied to all households, missing nuances that exist in small geographic areas and detailed household/dwelling unit segments - that is data items that are not explicitly reflected in the inflexible DOE/NREL models.

The schematic illustrates the MAISY AI KNN process. Individual ACS household records are first geo-located to identify ZIP codes. ACS household record matching is accomplished with the KNN process described above to integrate energy use, appliances, hourly loads, dwelling unit, emissions, commuting data, climate, place, county, metro and utility names, and other information and then provided as a comprehensive household database.

MAISY Increases Geographic Granularity

Increased ZIP-level geographic detail make the MAISY Databases far superior at supporting detailed socio-economic, marketing, market sizing and other applications compared to alternative household resources.

Data Formats Like You Want

Database information can be provided in spreadsheets with data for individual household records in separate rows, and/or processed by us to provide tables, cross tabs or any client-specified analysis results.

MAISY Database Items

The following table shows data item detail available with the MAISY Database. Clients can select any data groups or data items for any geographic area (single ZIP, county, metro, etc.) and data format/analysis preference including full CVS databases with each household data items on a single row, individual relational databases that can be merged (joined), tables, cross-tabs, etc.

Electric loads (kW) are available as 8760, 35040 15-minute, or monthly averages (weekday, weekend day and peak day). Load detail includes whole building loads and individual end use loads.

Not sure exactly what data items you need, or which data items are best for the project at hand? - Let us help! – just e-mail us with your questions and/or suggest a time to discuss. We provide free consultations to help identify the most useful data/analysis for your application. We also provide free telephone support to assist in client data applications after data delivery.

MAISY Residential Household Database Variable Options

ACS Data Items
  Household Record Id
  State FIPS number
  Household Weight
  At home (calculated variable)
  Dwelling Unit Type
  Lot Size
  Number of Bedrooms
  Heating Fuel
  Total Dwelling Unit Rooms
  Property Value
  Property Value
  Number of Vehicles
  Construction Year
  Householder Age
  Householder Hispanic
  Householder Race
  Household Income
  Children Age Categories
  Households with Limited English
  Number of Children
  Household Members
  Owner Monthly Cost
  # Household Person Records
  Person Age
  Person Sex
  Time to Work
  Transportation Mode
  Marital Status
  Educational Achievement
  Time Arrived at Work
  Time Departed From Work
  Dwelling Unit Total Square Feet
  Dwelling Unit Heated Square Feet
  Dwelling Unit Cooled Square Feet
  Number of Bathrooms
  Heating Equipment Detail
  Air Conditioning Equipment Detail
  ZIP Code Tabulation Area
  30-year Avg Heating Degree Days
  30-year Avg Cooling Degree Days
  ZIP Code Name
  County Name
  Place Name
  Metro Area Name
  Utility EIA Name
  Electric CO2e Emissions
  Natural Gas CO2e Emissions
  Fuel Oil CO2e Emissions
  LPG CO2e Emissions
  Total Household CO2e Emissions
  Total Energy Cost
  Electric Cost
  Natural Gas Cost
  Propane Cost
  Fuel Oil Cost
  Annual kWh Use (kWh)
  Annual Natural Gas Use (kBtu)
  Annual Propane Use (kBtu)
  Annual Guel Oil Use (kBtu)
  Electric Air Conditioner
  Electric Cooking
  Electric Dryer
  Electric Dishwasher
  Indoor Lights
  Electric Miscellaneous
  Electric Pool Pumps
  Electric Space Heating
  Electric Water Heating
  Fuel Oil Other
  Fuel Oil Space Heating
  Fuel Oil Water Heating
  Propane Other
  Propane Space Heating
  Propane Water Heating
  Natural Gas Other
  Natural Gas Space Heating
  Natural Gas Water Heating
  8760 Hourly & 15-min
  Whole Building & End Ese
  Format is as follows:
  . . . . . . . . . .

Additional MAISY Residential Database Background Detail

Click here to see a variety of related background information.

Save Cost, Time and Hassle and Improve Analysis Accuracy With MAISY Databases

Whether you want to extend socio-economic evaluations to the ZIP level, expand household information with new data items (e.g. energy bills, emissions, floor space), drill down on specific ZIP household segments or are looking to improve you market analyis and target marketing, MAISY Databases provide new and more accurate analysis results.

Some applications:
  • Identify variations in ZIP-level socio-economic variable combinations to focus social welfare programs (e.g. percent of households in income/#children/workforce participation/householder age categories).
  • Evaluate variations in ZIP-level socio-economic variable combinations such as energy costs by income segments and household characteristics, dwelling unit owner monthly cost by income,householder age, etc.
  • Evaluate market share across ZIP code areas by combinations of household and other variables to inform future expansion and marketing strategies.
  • Identify ZIP codes with specific targeted income/demographic/dwelling unit/householder education etc., characteristics for program or marketing efforts.
  • Assess likely hourly load impacts of EV charging on local distribution grids.
  • Identify ZIP areas with large peak hourly load reduction potential and household characteristics associated with demand response program participation.
  • Identify high or low load factors for specific technology applications.
  • Evaluate ZIP-area weather risk (% sales in space heat, AC).
  • Correlate loan write-offs and combined household characteristics to revise deposit requirements.
  • Evaluate market characteristics in underperforming ZIP areas to revise messaging and sales activities.
  • Identify high growth markets based on combined household variables.
  • Distinguish between stable and transient ZIP markets.
  • Identify ZIP areas that can be targeted for upgraded products and services based on dwelling unit age, appliance holdings, householder age and other factors.
  • Apply ZIP-detailed customer acquisition and retention data to refine pricing models.
  • Conduct other socio-economic, market and sales analysis.

Database Costs

MAISY Databases include proprietary information belonging to Jackson Associates and are licensed to individual users who agree to use the information only within their own organization. Information is provided in any of the following formats: (1) databases with individual household records in CSV files for client-specified database items and ZIP codes, (2) client-specified tables/cross-tabs for any combination of database items and ZIP codes. Database costs depend on data items and ZIP codes included in the data request. We provide free consultations to discuss data needs and will be happy to suggest appropriate data selections for you project.

We understand the difficulties in identifying exactly the information you need for your project. Casting a wide net costs more; however, trying to minimize data collection costs can dramatically reduce information value. We have worked with start-ups and some of the largest energy-industry organizations to thread this needle based on our energy data analysis experience. We can help identify options and suggest the most effective data develoment strategies for your projects. – just e-mail us with your questions and/or suggest a time to discuss. We provide free consultations to help identify the most useful data/analysis for your application. We also provide free telephone support to assist in client data applications after data delivery.