MAISY 8760 Hourly Loads Databases |
8760 Hourly Loads Databases, 15-minute Load Data & Other optionsIn addition to annual energy use, occupant, building, equipment, operating characteristics and other customer information, MAISY Databases include whole building and end-use hourly and 15-minute electric loads for more than 6 million individual US residential and commercial energy use customers.
Electric loads are based on actual metered end-use data. Space heating, air conditioning and ventilation load data are
weather adjusted to reflect typical meteorological data (TMY3).
Hourly and 15-minute electric load data are available for any of the following geographic areas:
As an option to processing databases in-house to extract relevant information, Jackson Associates can process individual utility customer records to provide average utility customer dwelling unit, appliance, occupancy and hourly/15-minute loads data for customer segments (e.g., dwelling units by floor space category within a specific state). This processing can also provide summaries of relevant load data such as month day type loads (average 24 hourly loads for weekday, weekend, peak day for each of 12 months). Customer classes, market segments and individual customers can be defined by any of the customer variables available in the MAISY Utility Customer Databases (see residential and commercial, database variables). View a summary of all MAISY Energy Use and Hourly Loads Database options and sample applications. Additional MAISY Hourly load database topics:
Advantages of MAISY 8760 Hourly Loads DatabasesMAISY Hourly Loads Databases have been developed from information on more than 6 million residential and commercial utility customers to provide a statistically representative sample of customers for each ZIP code, state, metropolitan area, service area and other geographic areas. Each customer record includes detailed customer characteristics including total building energy use for electricity, natural gas and oil along with electric whole building and end-use hourly loads for space heating, air conditioning, ventilation, water heating, appliances, lighting/TV, and other end uses. Hourly loads are available for day-types as well as for full 8,760 hours loads throughought the year. Jackson Associates provides its clients with load data to meet a variety of needs in technology, energy sales, utility and other energy related markets. Clients include energy suppliers, ESCO's, equipment manufacturers, government agencies and other energy-industry organizations.
The unique strength of the MAISY Databases lies in the
number of scientifically-selected customer records which provide information
reflecting all customers rather than information for segment averages or just
one or a few
"typical" customers. For example, a utility might want to assess its
current residential rate structure
and the extent
to which customer diversity within this class creates incentives for
solar distributed generation
applications. Load research samples used by utilities are not typically large
enough to reliably support this quantitative analysis nor do they include
end-use electric loads required to conduct distributed generation potential analysis.
MAISY 8760 hourly loads and 15-minute loads advantages include the ability to provide:
MAISY 8760 hourly loads save time and money by providing immediate information resources at a fraction of the cost required to conduct building and/or end-use metering. Utility MAISY Client Energy Use and Hourly Loads Database Applications ExamplesMAISY Utility Customer Energy Use and Hourly Loads Databases have supported a wide variety of information needs including the following sample applications:
Analysis projects utilize detailed information on individual utility customer hourly loads to answer a variety of client questions. A recent example project analyzed hourly loads for commercial utility customers in all 48 continental states to evaluate cost savings associated with a new load-shifting energy technology. Hourly loads for each utility customer in the database were analyzed to determine electricity bills both with and without an application of the load shifting technology. Results were used to determine market potential associated with the technology and to identify utility, business type and other customer characteristics to identify the most appropriate target segments for marketing these technologies. See the Other Example Client Applications section for additional examples of utility customer energy use and hourly loads analysis projects completed with MAISY Utility Customer Databases. Aggregate Hourly Loads ExampleSome MAISY Utility Customer Database projects aggregate information on individual utility customers to provide hourly loads reflecting business type, geographic, rate class or other customer segments. For example, a recent project aggregated commercial sector hourly loads for individual NERC regions for a research organization to investigate potential aggregate impacts of policies to encourage combined heat and power (CHP) technology applications in individual commercial facilities. MAISY Utility Customer Databases have also been applied to develop customer class load profiles for utility cost of service studies related to alternative rate designs. See the Other Example Client Applications Accessing Hourly Loads DataStandard MAISY Hourly Loads Databases are provided electronically in CSV or Excel file formats providing easy, familiar access to data evaluation, analysis and export features. Jackson Associates also processes individual customer hourly loads data to provide segment load data to support in-house analysis. An API access can also be provided to automate access and analysis for specific client applications. |
MAISY Database Features Summary:1. The most comprehensive, up-to-date utility customer energy use and customer characteristics for any geographic area in the US2. More than 6 million individual utility customer records with building, equipment, operating, occupant, end-use and 8760 hourly energy data 2. Electricity use for hourly and 15-minute kW load intervals 3. Segment variables for each record (e.g., medical office, single-family homes, etc.) 5. CSV and Excel workbook format for easy access and analysis 6. Optional customized Database interface software to extract and analyze data for client applications 7. Vetted/applied by over 150 organizations for technology and energy-related market analysis, product development and assessment, cost-of-service studies, energy efficiency, smart grid analysis, new technology analysis (PV, CHP, battery, fuel cells, thermal storage, wind, flywheels and more), REP and ESCO target marketing and more |
Click Here for additional detail on MAISY Database content,
variables, and software.
Click Here to see advantages of MAISY data compared to Department of Energy sources.