| Jackson Associates MAISY Analysis and Consulting |
Jackson Associates (JA) provides analysis and consulting support in a variety of energy-industry areas. The following topics include some previous JA consulting activities: New Technology Product Development, Market Analysis, Forecasting and Market Strategy: JA has analyzed potential markets and estimated market potential and sales for technologies in detailed geographic and customer-specific market segments for more than two dozen companies. This new technology analysis includes new product design analysis to evaluate tradeoffs in product features, market potential, and forecast sales. Technology applications include fuel cells, combined heat and power systems, flywheel systems, solar systems Energy Sales and Energy Services Market Potential, Product Design, and Target Marketing: We have worked closely with retail energy providers and energy service companies to determine market potential, estimated sales, and customer and market segment profitability. We have developed statistical models of customer profitability and applied these models to identify high-value individual customer sales contacts for individual customers. Jackson Associates has worked with clients to developing market strategies in Texas, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and other deregulated states in addition to three Canadian provinces. Energy Use and Hourly Load Forecasts: Jackson Associates continues to meet changing needs of both regulated and deregulated energy companies including providing newest-generation agent-based models that reflect details with respect to technology choices, program incentive impacts and other benefits. Energy Efficiency, Demand Response, and Green Power Program Analysis:. Cost-effective designs for conservation, demand response, and green power programs require information on technology and program characteristics, program potential, and customer responses to different program designs. Jackson Associates has assisted utilities and government agencies in comprehensive assessments of these programs. His analysis has formed the basis for the commitment of millions of dollars in utility investments to achieve program objectives. Market Entry: Deregulation of markets across the US and Canada provide market opportunities for retail energy providers, energy service companies, and other firms in assessing market potential in new markets with quantitative assessments of market size, profitability and customer acquisition. Jackson Associates has assisted dozens of companies in assessing market potential in new markets providing quantitative assessments of market size, profitability and customer acquisition. Distributed Energy Resources Analysis and Strategy Development projects provide an evaluation of DER (CHP, micro-CHP, Solar, fuel cell, etc.) revenue, and support development of strategies to integrate DG market changes in utility and private company business plans. MAISY Utility Customer and Hourly Load Databases are used to develop scenario analysis that identifies DG impacts under alternative natural gas prices, utility rate structures, utility programs and other factors. Hourly Loads Data Development Projects provide hourly load characteristics for individual customers and for market segments, rate classes and other customer categories within individual utilities for use in rate structure analysis, cost of service analysis and strategic pricing.
Market Analysis Projects include market segmentation, customer
profitability analysis and profit scoring, market sizing, customer profiling,
market potential and other analysis which help define and characterize markets
and customers.
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