MAISY RECS Hourly Loads & Emissions Databases |
Question 14. How do I order MAISY RECS Databases?
Ordering MAISY RECS Databases is easy. Click on the order request email link below to identify state Database(s) and identify whole-building or whole-building /end-use kW loads option for each Database.
We will email you an invoice, usually within 24 hours, which you can pay electronically by ACS or by check. The invoice will include the confidentiality notice below and your payment will indicate your acceptance of the confidentiality provisions. The invoice will also include an estimate of the time required to fulfill your order which depends on the number of states, hourly loads detail and fulfillment backlog. We will provide a password and instructions and notify you when your database(s) are ready to download from Dropbox. Click here to submit an order request. Expect an invoice documenting your order within 24 hours. Confidentiality Notice.Purchase of the MAISY RECS Databases includes licensing of the data by Jackson Associates to the purchaser subject to the confidentiality terms below.Purchasers /purchaser employees may engage in in-house database applications including, but not limited to, analysis, data transformation, derivative data development and other data-based activities. Access to licensed Databases and results of Database applications are restricted to purchaser employees. Publication, licensing, selling, and/or distributing database data or applications results to other parties is prohibited. Disclosure of limited Database data or applications results may be allowed if authorized in writing by Jackson Associates. Approval of these disclosures depends on the extent to which we believe such data disclosures would reduce the market value/market for MAISY RECS Databases. Contact us if you have questions concerning alignment of your applications with our confidentiality requirements. RECS Data Exception. Information contained in the first 94 data items (data items other than emissions and hourly loads data items) is data derived from the EIA RECS public domain database. Analysis results and derivative information based only on these data items is also considered public domain and can be freely published by purchasers. For example, results of comparative analysis of household annual electricity use for space heating by household income category is considered in the public domain and can be published without Jackson Associates permission. However, Jackson Associates conversion of data items from numeric entries to mnemonics (i.e., “elec” instead of “5”) is copyrighted and considered proprietary so the mnemonic presentation of the first 92 data items in each Database record may not be republished, licensed, disclosed, or sold by purchaser. |
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