Jerry Jackson is a Ph.D economist providing consulting support to clients related to energy use data and analysis and Scope 3 residential and commercial financed emissions.. He is president of Jackson Associates (JA) with more than 100 private company, utilities, state and federal agency clients.
JA Scope 3 Financed Databases provide a new resource to help financial institutions comply with Scope 3 mortgage and commercial real estate loan customer emissions. Data are based on the 7+ million record MAISY Residential and Commercial MAISY Utility Customer Energy Use and Hourly Loads Databases.
JA MAISY Utility Customer Energy Use and Hourly Loads Databases are the largest and most authoritative source of US residential and commercial utility customer energy and hourly loads data. Databases include detailed building, equipment, occupant, operation and energy use and hourly load data for each customer record.
A recently developed JA Energy Cost and Sustainability Assessment App, provides a free, easy-to-use energy cost and sustainability assessment for individual households and businesses across the US. Free access to the app:
JA has developed model and analysis software and energy use databases used by more than one hundred utilities, state and federal agencies and private companies to forecast future energy use, peak demand, impacts of DSM and DR programs, smart grid technology program impacts, ESCO potentials, new technology market potential and penetration and other issues.
Client List
He published the first book on building energy risk management (Energy Budgets at Risk (EBAR): Risk Management Approach to Energy Purchase and Efficiency,Wiley, April, 2008) extending financial risk management principles to address energy efficiency investment decisions. His was a founding member on the board of editors for the first academic journal on sustainable real estate published by the American Real Estate Society.
Dr. Jackson is an expert on new energy technologies and their diffusion in the market. He has assisted leading US, Asian and European technology companies in analyzing and evaluating new technology markets, new product design, and market strategy development. His technology clients include companies such as United Technologies, Sharp Laboratories, Ingersoll Rand, Toyota, Aisin, Bloom Energy, Ice Energy, Emera Technologies and others. He led a consortium of eighteen electric utilities to assess smart grid technology analysis providing business case analysis for each utility to support smart grid investment strategies.
He has provided expert witness testimony for more than two dozen US utility public service commissions and for the provincial electric utility regulatory agency in New Brunswick. He has also presented energy analysis at European Commission conferences, United Nations Energy Expert Working Group Meetings and served on review boards for the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Science Foundation Arizona and the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation.
He has served as a consultant to the California Energy Commission, the Electric Power Research Institute, Washington State University, Colorado School of Mines, the Solar Energy Research Institute, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the states of Colorado, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas and several dozen utilities. At the US Department of Energy's (DOE) request, he conducted a series of focus group sessions to help guide future DOE data collection and database development. He has served as a consultant to DOE on various database and data development issues. He has also provided energy efficiency analysis to support DOE efficiency standards.
He has served in advisory roles to energy regulators and policy makers in the states of California, Indiana, New York, Texas, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Washington, to the US Department of Energy and its national laboratories, and ministries in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and New Brunswick. He has been both an active participant and an advisor and reviewer for the Department of Energy's appliance efficiency program.
Dr. Jackson received a patent for the MAISY visual drill-down and data visualization process (US Patent 5,894,311, Computer-Based Visual Data Evaluation) that has been licensed to nearly every major business intelligence software company including Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, SAS, and others.
Previous positions include Signature Professor at Texas A&M University, Chief of the Applied Research Division at Georgia Tech Research Institute, Economist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
He is widely published in both academic and industry publications and in more than two hundred technical reports for clients. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Florida with specialties in econometrics and regional economics. He has taught University-level courses in economics, business strategy, mathematics, statistics, project management and energy risk analysis.